Sunday 3 October 2010

Cupcake Party

Today, I had a trial cupcake party at a friends house and I am pleased to say that it went brilliantly.

There were seven ladies there in total plus their children and great fun was had by all. I took a selection of cupcakes for the children to decorate, the adults soon joined in though!


We had a colouring competition for the older children but they were all so amazing, I delcared them all winners. I brought home my nephews picture though to display proudly on my fridge.

I made a selection of cupcakes for people to buy on the day, chocolate with chocolate orange buttercream, vanilla with strawberry buttercream, chocolate with a rocky road topping and lemon with lemon buttercream. They all got snapped up so I was really happy about that.

I want to branch out into wedding favours so my fab assistant (my 12 year old niece) decorated some love heart vanilla cookies we made the night before. I'm going to bake and decorate a whole batch soon to show them off properly.

I'm really looking forward to holding more cupcake parties in the future, all though I am not looking forward to working two days non stop for it!!

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